EDA and Tools

Ramya N
3 min readDec 26, 2022


Tools and options for Exploratory Data Analysis [EDA]

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

As we know, we are living in digital lifestyle even more since 2020 when this covid crisis has been started, well if the technology and tools are utilized in a correct way and well balanced it’s not harmful for emotional and health aspects!

Agree with the going paper-less aspect and print only when it’s essential — blessing in disguise since couple of years, paper works have been digitalized more than before. It also helps to stop cutting the trees thus contribution to reduce global warming…

Now, having DATA skill is indeed required and very interesting field if you enjoy doing analysis, presentation and explaining your audience about your findings and ideologies digitally — long story short is “story telling”…

Re. Exploratory Data Analysis [EDA] — technology and tools plays a vital role, helping in the above said aspects and understanding the one’s own business from their historical data for present & future implementations…

If you are new, beginner or learning about EDA, here’s the summary on what to use and where to start:

GUI tool + Programming languages

EDA can be performed with GUI [Graphical User Interface] tools or Programming languages. Tools such as Microsoft Excel or Tableau or Power BI or Alteryx seen below with their logos for you to visualize which tool I am talking about…

Tableau, Power BI or Alteryx logos same as their product names!

It’s good to start EDA with the Microsoft Excel — this tool can be leveraged to perform Data Analysis with its functions and visualization graphs. Presenting the graphs (graphical representation) along with EDA is critical for all types of end user/clients…

However, SQL with Tableau or Power BI can be used in combination based on your business team and facilitations provided by the organization…

At the end, are the videos whilst I presented EDA with Python webinars to the community I contribute…

PS: All the GUI tools are available free for 30 days and later on, needs to be purchased. They are available for free in bowser versions unless data security is not critical or you are learning EDA!

Python and R programming languages are open-source thus, no need to pay to incorporate it. However, you need programming skill to use these for Data Analysis…

If you are looking for its next steps and examples to perform EDA, you can refer to my EDA blogs here:
1. https://medium.com/geekculture/eda-with-sql-mysql-4ac1ea1d977b => this I performed with SQL using MySQL and got published in GeekCulture.

2. https://medium.com/geekculture/data-analysis-da-with-python-c570264edeab => my early time analysis with real-time (Google playstore apps) example, in this I have briefed about types of Data Analysis with Python + JupyterLab which pleased to say got published in GeekCulture too.

3. Using Tableau Public version, in this link: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ramyan7450 I published from its desktop version.

File formats which comes in handy for EDA are .csv, .json, excel or .sql


.csv = comma separated values, which can be opened in Excel too!

.xls or .xlsx = files to open in Excel.

.json = javascript object notation.

On a regular basis, I use Python, SQL and GUI tools for EDA… Feel free to reach out to me for further on the same…

EDA with Plotly and Dash libraries using Python
EDA with Python

See you next with another example and tool, Thank you…!!



Ramya N

Data Analysis, Web & Full Stack Dev, Tech Writer & ML/DL/NLP Enthusiast | Code Instructor & Mentor | Health & Fitness Influencer